
My name is Debora, I was born in 1989 in Ortona (CH) a small town on the Adriatic Sea coast.
“My name is Debora and I want to become an artist” is what it’s written on my first Elementary School assignment, so following that lead in 2003 I enroll in the Liceo Artistico “G. Misticoni” in Pescara, where my passion for History of Art grows and I realize seeing Michelangelo’s sculptures was not enough for me, I wanted more, I wanted them in my life. I therefore decided my life would be in Florence.
September 2008: I drop everything and make it to Florence where my “extraordinary adventure” with painting begins as I enroll in the Accademia di Belle Arti. Faith and Luck make me attend Professor Adriano Bimbi’s painting school and he turned out to be my guide and my Teacher of life. Amongst Bimbi’s harsh reproaches, tears and millions of drawings that turned out nothing more than failed attempts, my path of artistic growth begins.
Real-life drawing becomes the daily mean through which I share all that surrounds me, everything appears Beautiful to my eyes, even fire extinguishers. However, the true revelation happens during the Summer of 2009 in Mugello, where my love for landscape painting flourishes. Therefore, from 2009 to 2014 I got the luck to participate to different artistic residencies in various locations of Tuscany under the guidance of Professor Bimbi, crucial experiences in which painting becomes the way of telling lights and shadows of the spaces surrounding me.
During these years, the drawing seen as the translation of reality in black and white is the undisputed protagonist of my creative process. In 2014 I graduate with full marks at Bimbi’s painting school, presenting a thesis titled “Il Chiostro dello Scalzo di Andrea del Sarto: considerations about monochrome painting and the drawing”. A thesis as symbol and synthesis of my expressive research.

Once ended the Accademia I keep on drawing and painting and in 2016 I get into the international school of graphic art “Il Bisonte”.
Up to 2018 I keep on participating to artistic projects and residencies always curated by Adriano Bimbi.
I have taught the painting course of Accademia del Disegno school from 2018 to 2023.
My name is Debora, I am a painter and I still live in Florence. I ride around the city in search of Beauty with my inseparable bike.
I paint “always changing perspective”: on or under the bridge, along the river or on the seaside, I imprint in my eyes and on the paper small images, extracting ideas from reality to be kept in the quiet of my studio.
And in that place the magic happens: the small things become big and imagination takes over reality.
And the sky turns into sea.