Exhibitions / Terrarossa: la Lunigiana di 14 pittori (Castello di Terrarossa, [MS] 2014)

Strange summer that was the one in Terrarossa. It started with an earthquake and with the desire to tell that place by the portraits of its people. But, like every summer, I forgot there is always something distorting the plans, an image that imprints itself in the eyes and never leaves you. I had never seen the marble mountains of Carrara, nor a landscape had ever strongly impressed me this much with always new and different suggestions. The marble quarries were a revelation, a vision. Cut mountains that at times seem like giants wounded by man, at other times a miracle; it is a strange place in which the relationships between man and nature are confused, in which the quarries are lacerations, but also creation of unique and visionary landscapes: sculpted cities, marble cathedrals born from the green of the mountain. They have always been there, since ever, they generously give us their most precious part. Rebellious mountains, anarchist like their people, they were there, already drawn, with their dark masses slain by white waterfalls.
(Terrarossa, estate 2013)