Informative Art.13 Regulation EU n.2016/679

1. Owner of the treatment and responsible for data protection

The owner of the Treatment is Debora Piccinini, registered office in Via Ippolito Nievo 9 – 50129 Florence – cell. +39 340 4903784 –

2. Purpose and legal basis of the processing

Debora Piccinini treats personal data of physical persons, juridical persons, individual enterprises and/or independent contractors (“Interested”) for the following purposes:

  • need to perform a contract to which the interested party is a part or to perform pre-contractual activities at his request. This necessity represents the legal basis for the subsequent processing. The provision of necessary data for such purposes represents, as the case may be, a contractual obligation or a requirement necessary for the conclusion of the contract; in the absence of these, Debora Piccinini would be unable to establish the relationship or to execute it.
  • promotion and sale of services by Debora Piccinini. The legal basis that legitimizes the subsequent processing is the consent of the interested party, who is free to give it or not and who can, however, revoke it at any time. The provision of necessary data for these purposes is not mandatory and the refusal to provide them does not result in any negative consequences, except the impossibility of receiving commercial communications.

3. Categories of treated data

Debora Piccinini processes personal data collected directly from the interested party, or third parties, which include, by way of example, personal data (e.g., name, surname, address, date, and place of birth), tax number/ VAT number, image data (e.g., photo) and other data related to the above categories.

Debora Piccinini does not require and does not process on her own initiative particular data of its customers (e.g., data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, and religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data – intended to uniquely identify a natural person, data relating to the health or sexual life or sexual orientation of the person). The data in question will be treated only to execute client’s request.

4. Recipients or categories of recipients of data

Natural and legal persons appointed as Data Processors may become aware of the data of the interested party.
Debora Piccinini – without the consent of the interested party – can communicate the personal data in her possession: to those subjects to whom such communication must be carried out in compliance with an obligation provided by law, by a regulation or by Community legislation

5. Rights of Data Subjects

he current legislation on data protection gives specific rights to the Data Subject, who, for the exercise of the same, can contact directly and at any time to the Holder of the Treatment.

  • Right of access;
  • Right of rectification;
  • Right to cancellation;
  • Right of limitation;
  • Right to portability;
  • Right to object.

Interested parties may at any time change the optional consents each time they wish.

Right of access
The right of access provides the possibility for the interested party to know which personal data referred to themselves are processed by Debora Piccinini and to receive a free copy (in case of further copies requested may be charged a contribution based on costs incurred). The information provided shall include the purposes of the processing, the categories of data processed, the expected retention period or, if not possible, the criteria used to define that period, as well as the guarantees applied in case of transfer of data to third countries and the rights exercisable by the Data Subject.

Right of rectification
The right of rectification allows the interested party to obtain the update or rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data concerning him.

Right to Cancellation (so-called “Right to be Forgotten)
The right of cancellation, allows the interested party to obtain the cancellation of their personal data in the following special cases:

  • personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and processed;
  • the interested party revokes the consent on which the processing is based, if there is no other legal basis that can otherwise legitimize it;
  • the Interested Party opposes the processing and there is no additional legitimate reason to proceed with the processing carried out by the Holder for;
  • the personal data of the Interested Party have been unlawfully processed.

This right can be exercised even after the withdrawal of consent.

Right of limitation
The right of limitation is exercisable by the interested party in case:

  • of breach of the lawfulness of the processing, as an alternative to the deletion of data;
  • request for rectification of the data (pending rectification) or opposition to their processing (pending the decision of the owner).

Except storage, any other processing of the data for which limitation is requested is prohibited.

Right to portability
The right to portability allows the Interested Party to use their data held by Debora Piccinini for other purposes. Each Interested Party may request to receive the personal data related to him or request the transfer to another owner, in a structured, commonly used, and readable format (Right to portability).
In particular, the data that may be subject to portability are the personal data (e.g., name, surname, address, date and place of birth, residence), as well as a set of data generated by the activity that Debora Piccinini has defined for each macro-category of services (e.g., statistics, databases, access to third-party products). This right does not apply to non-automated processing (e.g., archives or paper records).

Right to object
The right of opposition allows the interested Party to oppose at any time, for reasons related exclusively to his situation, the processing of personal data concerning him.

5.1 Exemptions from the exercise of rights
The data protection legislation recognizes specific exceptions to the rights granted to the Data Subject. Debora Piccinini must, however, continue to process the personal data of the Data Subject upon the occurrence of one or more of the following applicable conditions:

  • enforcement of an applicable legal obligation;
  • resolution of pre-litigation and/or litigation (own or third party);
  • external investigations/inspections;
  • requests from the Italian and/or foreign public authorities;
  • reasons of significant public interest;
  • additional technical conditions/status blockers identified by Debora Piccinini.

5.2 Exemptions from the exercise of rights
Each interested party to exercise their rights can contact Debora Piccinini at the email address: or submit a written request to Debora Piccinini, via Ippolito Nievo 9 • 50129 Florence.

The deadline for reply is one (1) month, extendable by two (2) months in cases of particular complexity; in these cases, Debora Piccinini provides at least one interlocutory communication within one (1) month.

The exercise of rights is, in principle, free of charge; Debora Piccinini assessed the complexity of the processing of the request and, in case of manifestly unfounded or excessive (even repetitive) requests, reserves the right to ask for a contribution.

Debora Piccinini has the right to request further information necessary to identify the applicant.

6. Data storage period
Debora Piccinini processes and stores the personal data of the interested Party for the entire duration of the contractual relationship, for the execution of the related and consequent obligations to the same, for compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory obligations, as well as for own or third-party defensive purposes, until the expiry of the data retention period.

In particular, the period of retention of personal data of the Data Subject shall begin:

  • for services included in the contract: after termination of the relationship; unless further processing is necessary for one or more of the following purposes;
  • resolution of pre-litigation and/or litigation initiated before the expiry of the retention period;
  • to follow up investigations/inspections by external authorities initiated before the expiry of the retention period;

7. Data transfer to third countries i

Personal data may also be transferred to countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (cd. “Third Countries”) recognized by the European Commission having an adequate level of protection of personal data or, otherwise, only if all the suppliers of Debora Piccinini located in the third country have contractually guaranteed a level of protection of personal data appropriate to that of the European Union (e.g. by signing the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission) and that the exercise of the rights of the interested Parties is always assured.